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63 Game Reviews

13 w/ Responses


It's awesome! I love everything, the songs, graphics, gameplay, the rhythm, the AWESOMENESS!
But when I got to the Final Boss, I hurt him twice then I fell THROUGH the floor, and it just got black.. :(



Great music! Alot of lightning stuff, really kewl! I like all the graphics, pretty neat. The game was really fun, for about 5 minutes. I got bored with this, it need more things to hit, for example purple ones: faster. Big yellow: slow but need 2 hits, etc.. And power-ups! Lots of power-ups! Would be great :D

Woah.. Thats awesome!

Really Challenging, I had to figure every part out :)
The texts, I guess the story, was kinda dark, interesting and hard to understand.
I don't think I got the point..
Anyways, I finished it ^^ Really great, I like the graphics, really great done! And the music makes it more mystic :D The gameplay was kinda wierd, all those ''minigames'' and no instructions, but when I got it, it was great and fun :D
Overall, a interesting challenging game, really mystic'ish :D
I don't think I got the point tho.. or moral, if it was any :P
Awesome work! I love it!

Awesome BIG time! :D

It was alot like ''Ballanza'' (I like how you changed the name to ''Dark Charger''), but at the same time I really can see the difference. When the game menu came up, I relized you had done more canges to the game than I thought, great. The way you used some of my ideas were great, I really like the Freeze enemy :D
Great music choise too, really nice fitting. It's really awesome, man :D
And as I said for the first version, awesome graphics, the quality of the hole game is just awseome, and the gameplay rocks :D
But I don't have any more sugesstions.. atm. I'll prolly get up to smt easy and kewl for you, an other time :)

Keep it kewl-

Super awesome!!

Superb game! Great storyline, as far as I've come, awesome graphics, really, reallt, REALLY great gameplay, and music + sounds are just at the top.
The hole leveling system, skills, stats, superb!
The shop and equips are (ran out of words, so I'll use..) superb!
Allies are helpful.. well, not the blind dude at the ship, but the medic is really handy! I look forwards to meet more people to join my team when I'll carry on Sonny's juorny!
I have NO ideas for a sequel, as I always have for other games. So you just gotta sit back with the pen and paper a long time, dude, cuz you gotta make a sequel!
Anyways, overall about the best flash I've played. It will get to the 'Best of all time' list, if it's not there already! Great work, keep it up, dude!! (Or dudette.. sorry)

Krinn responds:

Thanks bud :D

I'm a dude, not a dudette. But thanks for the consideration!

- Krin

NEED powerups!

Great game, abit easy maybe, at the first levels. Other reviewers say u dont loose a life before the centrum of the ball hits the wall, but its different when I play. I loose life if it is hit on the outer line. Anyways, other reviewers say it's too easy, well, yes..the first few levels.. But then it gets harder and harder.

This game GOT to have powerups. And enemys. Think about these if u are going to make a sequel:
-Bounce (dont respawn when hit wall, and not go thru. But yeah, bonuce back)
-Score Multiplier (I'm not really 'in to' scores when I play. I just think 'Ah, whatever, its the FUN that matters!' But some ppl are more 'in to' scores)
-Turrets. That shoot at you. Rockets and pellets and shotguns etc.
-A life bar, like hitting a wall loose all, by a turret, loose a bit each shot damage a bit. Rockets damage more than pellets ;p
-A life couner besides the life bar, loose a life when life bar is empty.. And u respawn. You know.. (well u already got that, but dont forget it in a sequel xD)
-Shoots and guns for urself/the orb. To boom enemys and weak walls (see next..)
-Weak walls (xD). Can shoot thru or u add bombs to the game and.. u get it.

No more ideas, but dude, plz read. Well if u read this, u have gone thru the other stuff, but then, respond. Pleaseee!

Anyways, great game, great graphics, great gamplay, everything is SUPERB!
Well, alomst. Cant get much better ;)


Good 'block-buster' game, great graphics, good gameplay but not really original..
Nice powerups! I got really MANY good (migh some bad) ideas for the next version.

Contact me at:
Add as MSN contact, if u dont have, PM or e-mail me then I'll reply with loads of ideas. MSN would be great, cuz it's easier to talk about stuff thru it ;)

Anyways, great game! Keep it up ^^

Go Blockhead!

Ah, you finally released the game! Great, dude!!

And thanks for adding Blockhead as a 'cheat'! Blockhead PWNS!

O, and ye, great game dude. Great graphics, superb gameplay, great sounds and music! Overall a really, really great '2D' based platform game in 3D (..woah, that sounds odd..) with great level up system and unlockable cheats n' stuff. The fighting is genrally great, but it would'a been eaven better with more combos and different attacks depending on where ur mouse pointer is.

The hole game stopped sometimes and I had to reload the page and sometimes take bosses over.. But I finished the hole game, unlocked some characters, such as Blockhead, and I'm going to finish it again soon.

Anyways, great work, keep it up!

Keep it kewl-

Wow, man!

It's way too addictive.. Dam good!! The hole DNA concept is great! Orginal, adictive fun unlike anything I've seen. Good game, nice graphics and concept it self is original, kewl and fun!

And I totally made my own seed!
WARNING! It's really laggy!!

49.4, 0x496b65, 99, 5, 31.0, 0.7, 2.4, 1.3, 21.0, 73.1, 0.7, 4, 0.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.1, -0.1, 0.4, -0.4, 0xa2828c, 0x9c4da5, 7.0, 10.3, 11, 20, 0.9, 0.6

I call it.. 'The Leed'! (Yea I know it sez 'Leed.' It's not a typo :p)

Andr01d responds:

:) thank you, and yes, plants with lots of flowers, (like 99, like yours), can get very laggy :D. But when they're done that should clear up.

Verry... puzzleing!

It got all it needs, dots, dominos, coins, hourglasses, trees, a knight, keys, locked stuff, and a hammer. Great choice of music and sound effects (or smt), I like the graphics, good puzzle concept and it couldn't have much more. A hammer thingy for redoing, life stuff - to not loose too much dominos off tha belt.. a time limit, yea. Great game, but not my favourite style.. But even if I dun like it that much, I give it lot a' stars cuz I like the hammer ^^

"No comment" :D

Kasper @MiniBoy

Age 30, Male


Joined on 8/21/07

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