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13 Game Reviews w/ Response

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A tear of dissapointment...

It really hurts to give this awesome submission a 9 out of 10 possible stars, but as everything else I do, it does have a reason - this is the feeling I'm left with; dissapointment.

While I expected Larry and the Gnomes to reach the top of the NG charts of all time, which it most certainly will, I feel like saying - despite the glorious music perfectly forged together with high quality sound effects, great voice acting, such beatiful graphics and art combinated with, of course, the overall gameplay experience and hillarious storyline - the game is too repetitive, and the bosses too easy to kill.

I tend to overdo it, but some things really irritates me, such as the inability to actually resume the game from the pause-menu by pressing P, and the stupidity of every single little, and huge, gnome: A bush, a box, almost anything in the way of a gnome would stop the gnome from moving on, even through there were a path around it. Large enemies could be easily avoided by simply running back and forth across the center of the gnome, resulting in him failing in utter confusion.

Yes - terrible. Too easy, too boring, and really annoying. All of them, especially the final Gnome King Boss.
Firstly, the Mage Master is, as I see it, an introduction-boss, so it's supposed to be easy. Hitting him would make him cancel his spell-casting, and he were primarily a pretty poor boos.
Secondly, the Boar Gnome never seemed to throw that stupid spear of his to expose that only weakness of his, while the bushes supplied with infinite Health and alot of Rage.
Then comes the Freak - the one who damages 97% of Larry's Health with one hit - put up a good fight compared to the other bosses, but the tactic were too simple to really be a challenge. Also, doing the same moves over and over got repetitive qucikly.
Lastly - The Gnome King! I didn't even get hit once, as the first thing I did after breaking all those boxes and stuff were to place myself right at his center, and I didn't even have to move. Spamming attack and jumping once in a while, a minute later and the so-called "King" lied dead on the ground - seriously dissapointing.

Also, I found a few bugs:
-Holding one direction and double tapping the opposite direction results in a backwards sprint.
-Standing on top of a breakable box makes you pretty much unhittable from alot of the Gnomes' melee attacks.
-In the Underground, knocking enemies off-screen outside a small cliff with a legde below would sometimes result in me not getting any progress. The enemy refused to suicide, I couldn't kill it, and so the level didn't progress.

Don't get me wrong, I still heart the game, and I will complete it as many times as I need to for all the cheat codes, but I guess my hopes were up too high...

PS: Thanks for the Medals, and good luck on episode 2 - I can't wait!

Jazza responds:

Difficulty is a hard thing to judge as a game creator, because as you can tell some people find the most silly things impossible, and some like yourself do it all in a breeze. Otherwise, I appreciate your honesty and entailed review! Thanks mate

Best. F-ing. Flash. Ever.

A game where I actually enjoyed the dialoges, and reading through every single Perk, Weapon and everything descriptions was a blast in itself. I won't be listing all the good stuff I truly loved by heart, cause I only have like 3,000 characters remaining, so I just have to point out the flaws of the could-have-been-perfection:

- Lack of Auto-Save, manual saving is too exhausting for lazy people, like me.
- Spamming bullets resulted in getting my ass some lame Perks, and my ass would rage-quit to get a chance at putting the point at a decent Perk, again resulting in loss of data because I'm lazy, forgetting to save.
- Laser Sight annoyed me while fiering the high fire-rate weapons, like the Twister. 'Cause it like bounced in a wierd matter, just confusing.
- That cheat code granting massive damage should have the option of undo. Like disabling the cheat again, cause it made the hunt for all the lvl 6 weapons and all the perks incredibly singular (if that's a word), and boring.
- Phoenix somthing skill didn't work properly, after my HP Bar depeled to zero 'NaN' was displayed and I could never ever die. It killed the fun of the later levels.
- Why aren't the weapon stats listed in the Inventory?

Still among the best flash ever, though. Be proud of yourself..

..and go make a sequel!! (Add physics and dynamic blood please ^^)

Arkuni responds:

AWESOME review! Thanks a bunch!

Don't be a stranger in the future ;)

Screw Convict!

I remember playing this game way back, but never completeing it..
So I figured I'd try that now. IMPOSSIBLE. Dammit, that last fight with Convict is just so screwed up.. No platforms to step on to get away, and no possible way of actually beating the round. I managed to kill two of them, but then that S'Big'Asshole chops my head right off. I mean, trapped in a corner until some power-up spawns, then when they run for it I have like 1 second to jump up and maybe hit one of them like 10hp... And I figured that I can only attack one enemy at the time, so when I hit one guy those other two hit me then everyone hit me and soon I'm dead.. WHY? Stupid Convict..

NegativeONE responds:

To teach you to be good at the game. Not just to button mash :P You wanna be mostly aerial in that match. That way you can separate one of them from the flock at a time and chip away.


I usally laugh at hard games, but this is stupid. Three times the boss' health was so low I swear one hit would kill it, but he does these crazy moves all the times, making it impossible for me to attack, then I get Dizzy and he heals like hella lot and then it all goes over and over and over again. Until i die. Stupid.

MindChamber responds:

he can't really heal he just repairs the robot, if you attack the guy inside, his energy never heals.

dont worry it will be pussified for you soon enough.


The best MaplyStory Flash game Ever!!!
Great graphics, skills are just like in Maple, but no sound.. And dude, no one is going to figure out of the cheat code, ''Laets' old guild'' is not helping at all..
And I would luv to try the cheats :P
And it need more variations, for a sequel, make the characters customable, and add like all 4 jobs.. Would be perfect :D

Btw, why does the big boss like thingy regain HP all the time? It was on zero like 10 times, and it regained.. stupid :P

And u play Global or what?

Great game, man!

Montycarlo responds:

Thanks for your review,
The cheat hint would only help to those who knew her or was in the guild. I know it would be hard to remember since it was almost two years ago for anyone that was actually IN the guild, but it's just a little reminder to anyone that was in the guild if they happen to play it and guess what password correctly.

As for the sequal, I'll be working on fully cuztomizable characters, 'make your own job' and easy input for new maps/monsters/items. It's going to take a while, but i've got most of the hard stuff already done from previous attempts at other things.

The boss regains health if you stand too far away from it. if you walk up to it so your character is touching it, or closer to the xy point, it will not heal and focus on attacking.

I play Global In Bera.

Super awesome!!

Superb game! Great storyline, as far as I've come, awesome graphics, really, reallt, REALLY great gameplay, and music + sounds are just at the top.
The hole leveling system, skills, stats, superb!
The shop and equips are (ran out of words, so I'll use..) superb!
Allies are helpful.. well, not the blind dude at the ship, but the medic is really handy! I look forwards to meet more people to join my team when I'll carry on Sonny's juorny!
I have NO ideas for a sequel, as I always have for other games. So you just gotta sit back with the pen and paper a long time, dude, cuz you gotta make a sequel!
Anyways, overall about the best flash I've played. It will get to the 'Best of all time' list, if it's not there already! Great work, keep it up, dude!! (Or dudette.. sorry)

Krinn responds:

Thanks bud :D

I'm a dude, not a dudette. But thanks for the consideration!

- Krin

Wow, man!

It's way too addictive.. Dam good!! The hole DNA concept is great! Orginal, adictive fun unlike anything I've seen. Good game, nice graphics and concept it self is original, kewl and fun!

And I totally made my own seed!
WARNING! It's really laggy!!

49.4, 0x496b65, 99, 5, 31.0, 0.7, 2.4, 1.3, 21.0, 73.1, 0.7, 4, 0.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.1, -0.1, 0.4, -0.4, 0xa2828c, 0x9c4da5, 7.0, 10.3, 11, 20, 0.9, 0.6

I call it.. 'The Leed'! (Yea I know it sez 'Leed.' It's not a typo :p)

Andr01d responds:

:) thank you, and yes, plants with lots of flowers, (like 99, like yours), can get very laggy :D. But when they're done that should clear up.


I came to the place where something hit the corridor thing from above or smt.. But I can't find out how to get any further (while I was desperatly looking for clues I died because of low body temp..). A little hint or two plz (:

I think it's a great escape game, great 3D graphics and I like the idea about the flashlight and body temp (not 100% original, but it's kewl). And the clothes and pie etc to keep u warm. Anyways, you got to make a walkthrough, if u dun already have.. I haven't check ur profile or anything but u need a walkthrough!
Maybe a later release to keep the exciting non-cheating game-experience of annyoing hard tasks witch u just can't find out is what u have in mind for the walkthrough!

Psionic3D responds:

I will probably write a walkthrough soon, but i'd prefer to let people play it and figure stuff out for themselves initially, as thats half the fun of these types of games ;-)

Thanks for your comments and rating!!


Totally PWN'D!!
I got all the weapons and upgrades and stuff, and then it was still some fun.
But then it suddenly came 'Game Over' all over my screen... Maybe I finished the game, or just pressed a button or smt xD

Anyways, if this is really your first game, WOOW! ...man
It's great, and you just have to make a sequel :)
With more weapon types, not just missiles single and shotgun laser things... Errr, dunno exactly what kind of weapons you could add, but maybe a granade or rocket launcher (++). And you gotta add power-ups that drop from enemies, like more health, extra tech-points, shield, fire rate up, dmg up, etc...
And more than just two wep spaces, maybe three or four would be oki-dokie :D

And btw if you acctually read this review, respond with something, ANYTHING :]
Please make a sequel... ^^

soybeansoft responds:


Yeah.. I guess the ending 'screen' is such a turn-off, you wouldn't know if you had finish the game or it suddenly gameover-ed :(

Thanks for the suggestions and review. There are plans to make a sequel but not right now currently :). Oh btw, how different is your idea of a rocket launcher with the missiles in the game?


Great game, and really hard!
Keep it up!

PS: Code thingy:

Logico responds:

THANKS FOR THE CODE :], you lost 49 times to complete the game, that is a great score.. (FIRST THREE NUMBERS SPECIFY NOTHING :])

"No comment" :D

Kasper @MiniBoy

Age 30, Male


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